ClujShorts Screenings

All screenings are at Victoria Cinema, Bulevardul Eroilor nr 51, Cluj-Napoca

ora 17.00

Best Of Clujshorts 2018 (1)

ora 19.00

Best Of Clujshorts 2018 (2)

ora 21.00

Ca un copil cuminte/Like A Good Kid, 20:00, 2018, Iran, Action

Vocea/The Voice Over, 4:44, 2018, Belgium, Animation

Ultimul adăpost/Final Shelter, 17:27, 2017, Belgium, Drama

(Încă) o despărțire/Yet another break-up, 16:57, 2017, Belgium, Comedy

Înainte de zori/Before Dawn, 14:00, 2018, Belgium, Drama    

Serviciul de curățenie/ The cleaning service, 13:04, 2019, Spain, Comedy

ora 13.00

Să luăm o bucată de cer/Let’s break the sky and take a piece, 18:10, 2017, Switzerland, Drama,

Liniște, vă rog/Silence please, 17:03, 2017, Spain, Drama

Athena, 22:10, 2019, Germany&Ukraine, Thriller

Țara minunilor/Wonderland, 14:18, 2017, United States, Drama

Șah mat/Shattered, 10:36, 2018, Germany, Drama

ora 15.00

Menuet/Menuett, 10:45, 2019, Germany, Drama

Lovitura/Trieb, 3:07, 2017, Switzerland, Drama

Cel mai tânăr/The Youngest, 18:25, 2018, Israel, Drama

Kyoko, 20:00, 2018, Spain, Documentary

Despre Steven/About Steven, 1:50, 2019, Spain, Documentary

Vizita/The Visit, 15:07, 2018, Spain, Drama

Spulberat/Shattered, 13:43, 2017, Germany, Drama

Un truc minunat/Mega Trick, 1:46, 2017, Germany, Animation

ora 17.00

Lacrimile măslinului/Tears Of The Olive, 14:28, 2018, Germany&Italy, Documentary              

Drumuri nebătute/Untravel, 9:25, 2018, Serbia and Montenegro&Slovakia, Animation      

O zi la mare/One Day At The Sea, 17:26, 2019, Germany, Drama

(16+) Scuzați-mă, caut sala de ping-pong și pe prietena mea/ Excuse Me, I’m Looking For The Ping-Pong Room And My Girlfriend, 23:11, 2018, Austria&Germany&Sweden, Comedy

Pasărea/Pasârea, 15:00, 2018, Spain, Drama Q&A

ora 19.00

Publicând un poet mort/Publishing a Dead Poet, 12:36, 2017, Israel, Comedy              

Întâlnire pe orbita lunii /Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous, 14:45, 2018, Canada, Drama

Aurora, 24:12, 2017, Germany, Drama              

Relicios/Relicious, 8:27, 2019, Italy, Comedy

Rocco, 9:00, 2017, Spain, Drama

Wolfgang, 4:14, 2018, Germany, Animation

#Superîndrăgostit/#Superinlove, 10:00, 2019, Spain, Comedy

ora 21.00

O autobiografie/An Autobiography, 34:36, 2017, Finland, Comedy    

Cât mai mult. Dincolo de bani/Beyond Money, 17:56, 2018, Spain, Sci-Fi

Nicio problemă/No Problem, 19:04, 2017, Denmark, Comedy

Aripi/Wings, 14:10, 2018, Russia, Drama          

ora 23.00

Proiecție pentru persoanele peste 18 ani (18+)

Considerații și desconsiderații despre violență în analiza cauzelor ei/ Sense And Senselessness Of Violence Under Special Consideration Of Its Causes, 6:44, 2018, Germany, Drama     

Înălțimi delirante/Thin Air, 13:43, 2018, Switzerland, Horror

(Rămas bun) dragoste/By(e) Love, 18:06, 2017, Belgium, Drama        

Ieri va fi mâine/Yesterday Will Be Tomorrow, 12:32, 2018, France, Animation

Partea B/Side B, 20:30, 2017, Belgium, Comedy

Obraz gros/Thick Skin, 11:40, 2017, Iceland, Drama

ora 13.00

De deasupra/From Above, 30:00, 2018, Austria, Thriller

Dacă aceasta nu e dragoste/If This Isn’t Love, 15:10, 2018, Canada, Drama

Albastru roial/Royal Blue, 21:11, 2018, Austria&Romania, Drama

Mediu spre crud/Medium Rare, 4:35, 2018, Italy&United States, Animation

Promisiunea/The Promise, 14:30, 2017, Sweden, Documentary

ora 15.00

Ghinionistul Hans/Hapless Hans, 29:57, 2019, Czech Republic&Germany, Comedy

Chyanti, 18:00, 2017, Nepal&United Kingdom, Drama

Zilele pisicii/Cat Days, 11:09, 2018, Germany, Animation

Eu și Olowe/Olowe and I, 14:17, 2018, Switzerland, Documentary     

Piesa lipsă/The Missing Piece, 14:54, 2019, Switzerland, Fantasy

ora 17.00

Clasa a 2-a/ 2nd Class, 13:52, 2018, Sweden, Drama

Kalmak Canac, 34:20, 2018, Germany, Comedy

Fața Carlotei/Carlotta’s Face, 5:00, 2018, Germany, Animation         

Un caz capital/A Capital Case, 20:00, 2018, France, Comedy

Contractul/The Contract, 16:30, 2017, Spain, Drama

ora 19.00

Aproape schimbare/Near Change, 9:34, 2017, United States, Drama               

Joc/Play, 30:00, 2017, Cyprus&Greece, Drama            

Vaza/The vase, 12:00, 2018, Spain, Comedy

Cercul/The Circle, 16:22, 2018, Spain, Fantasy              

Taxi De Niro, 14:09, 2018, Romania, Comedy Q&A

ora 21.00

Modus Operandi, 20:38, 2017, Poland, Film-Noir

Beton/Concrete, 7:34, 2018, Switzerland, Animation

Bagheera, 19:00, 2018, India, Drama  

Narcis și Fifi/Narcis and Fifi, 28:22, 2017, Romania, Comedy 

Ritualul lui Holmgang/The Rite Of Holmgang, 6:39, 2018, Australia, History Q&A

ora 23.00

Proiecție pentru persoanele peste 18 ani (18+)

Bani, 11:45, 2018, Spain, Drama           

Vihta, 20:58, 2018, Belgium, Comedy

Fitilul/Fuse, 7:18, 2018, Germany, Animation

Spirit sângeros/Blood Is Spirit, 15:20, 2017, Germany, Thriller                              

Stand Up, 10:33, 2017, Finland, Comedy

Ziua de sport/Sports Day, 10:34, 2018, China, Drama

Maelstrøm, 3:00, 2017, Spain, Fantasy

ora 13.00

Băiatul ascuns/Hiddenboy, 17:14, 2018, Spain, Fantasy

Tata/Father, 30:00, 2018, Switzerland, Drama             

Ușor/Softy, 18:59, 2017, Russia, Comedy

Vis/Viață/ Dream/Life, 22:22, 2019, Germany, Drama

ora 15.00

Culorile buzelor tale/The Color Of Your Lips, 17:50, 2018, Canada, Drama

Mâine nu vine Moș Crăciun/ I Don’t Believe In Father Christmas, 15:04, 2018, Germany, Drama

Vacile nu înoată/Cows Can’t Swim, 22:47, 2018, Germany, Drama     

Ziua datoriei/The Day Of Duty, 19:58, 2019, Iran, Drama

Ipdentic/Ipdentical, 9:21, 2018, Spain, Sci-Fi

ora 17.00

Două baloane/Two Balloons, 9:08, 2017, United States, Action          

Peștișorul și crocodilul/The Little Fish And The Crocodile, 15:47, 2018, Germany, Other          

Nu există iubire mai puternică decât a noastră/There’s No Love Stronger Than Ours, 13:01, 2018, France, Drama

Micul erou/The Little Hero, 5:05, 2018, Romania, Animation

Înghețată/Gelato – Seven Summers Of Ice Cream Love, 12:18, 2017, Germany, Animation

Copiii perfecți/Perfectly Naughty Kids, 14:10, 2018, Russia, Animation

Clovn Shorty: Eu, Tu și un Nas Roșu- proiecția scurtmetrajului realizat în Parcul Central, cu prilejul Întâlnirii copiilor și părinților cu Clovnul Q&A

ora 19.00

Nu eu l-am ucis pe Jesse James/Je N’ai Pas Tué Jesse James, 18:00, 2018, France, Drama       

Vâlva/The Boom, 14:30, 2018, Germany, Drama

Scenaristul/The Screenwriter, 26:48, 2017, Belgium, Comedy

My Best Friend, 22:00, 2018, Romania&United States Of America, Comedy Q&A

ora 21.00

Icar/Icarus, 26:59, 2017, Belgium&France, Drama      

Sub fusta mamei/Under Mom’s Skirt, 12:10, 2017, France, Comedy

Dante Vs. Mohammed Ali, 28:11, 2018, Netherlands, Drama

Urmașul/Offspring, 18:48, 2018, Israel, Comedy Q&A

ora 23.00

Proiecție pentru persoanele peste 18 ani (18+)

Romeo, 11:37, 2017, Canada, Documentary

Nikki Marianne, 15:00, 2017, France, Comedy

Atomicul Ed, 19:45, 2018, France, Horror

Plutitor/Floating, 13:00, 2018, Portugal, Drama

Sperietoarea/The Boogeywoman, 17:00, 2018, United States, Thriller

Eu sunt o iluzie/I Am Illusion, 6:24, 2018, Ukraine, Fantasy

ora 13.00

Căi bătute/Beaten Paths, 18:57, 2018, Canada, Comedy                         

Ce vor ele/What Do They Want, 4:40, 2018, Switzerland, Action        

100 euro/100 Eur, 25:00, 2018, Austria, Adventure

Cicatricile zorilor/The Scar Of Dawn, 15:59, 2018, Switzerland, Drama            

Cale divină/The Divine Way, 15:00, 2018, Germany, Fantasy

ora 15.00

Rază de speranță/Lichtblick, 20:00, 2019, Germany, Drama  

Visul chinezesc/Chinese Dream, 24:06, 2019, Germany, Documentary             

Circuit, 8:41, 2018, Switzerland, Animation   

Lume nouă/New World, 10:00, 2017, Switzerland, Fantasy

Mariela, 9:29, 2017, Argentina&United Kingdom, Action

ora 17.30

Gala de Premiere- Prezentator Dragoș Pop

ora 19.00

Proiecția filmelor câștigătoare (1)

ora 21.00

Proiecția filmelor câștigătoare (2)


Cluj Shorts screenings are displayed at  Victoria Cinema, Bulevardul Eroilor nr 51, Cluj-Napoca.

Ticket price is 15 lei.

Discounted ticket price for students, retirees and persons with disabilities is 13 lei.

Ticket price for a person in an organized group is 10 lei.

Subscription price for 5 entries is 50 lei.(Allows viewing of all screenings except Awards Gala)

Awards Gala ticket is 15 lei.

Tickets can be bought online, from Cinema’s website or from Cinema’s box office. Subscriptions can be bought only directly at the Cinema’s box office.


The organizers reserve their right to make changes to this schedule if  the circumstances require it. Changes can occur because of third parties without the Organizer’s will.