ClujShorts – International Short Film Festival 2024
12th Edition – Schedule
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană- Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, 5 aprilie, ora 18.00
Deschiderea oficială a Ediției a 12-a a ClujShorts ISFF, cu vernisajul expoziției Un cadru. O poveste, Expozant: Andreea Samoilă, curator: Ingrid Dan
Expoziția Conversații cu Observații va prezenta atât în spațiul Casino-ului cât și în eteriorul acestuia o colecție de 100 de observații, parte din dezvoltarea cărții cu același nume. Lucrări noi, cât și părți din seriile “O Scrisă, Două Scrise”, “Viața Cu Subtitrări”, și “100 de Intervenții”, vor explora cum asocieri de lucruri banale pot crea observații noi neașteptate. Expoziția va reflecta metodele Andreei de a aduna materiale – imagini, idei, texte, expresii – și a le alipi în combinații noi, pentru a forma jocuri de cuvinte și observație, de citit pe sărite, de privit și de călcat în picioare(la propriu).
Andreea Samoilă (1996, RO) este o artistă vizuală, interesată de obiecte, cuvinte și unelte ce nu sunt folosite “ca la carte”. Ea realizează cărți, obiecte și acțiuni care se joacă cu idea de “banal”, și încearcă să prezinte ceva surprinzător la lucruri și idei deja arhi-cunoscute. Andreea lucrează sub numele Iminent Detour (ocol iminent), pentru ca nu se grăbește nicăieri.
Curatoarea Ingrid Dan a urmat programul de studii Istoria și Teoria Artei în cadrul Universității de Artă și Design, și în momentul de față este managerul laboratorului de procesare de film Grainlab. Este dedicată observării complexității și diversității culturii vizuale și relației perpetuu schimbătoare dintre limbaj și imagine.
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană – Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, vineri, 12 aprilie, ora 18.00
Discuție-dezbatere: Drogurile – o versiune neautentică a trăirii din plin a momentului
Invitați: dr. Bogdan Nemeș, medic primar psihiatrie, șef lucrări în cadrul UMF Cluj-Napoca, Amalia Gurzău, inspector școlar (Inspectoratul Județean Cluj), Sebastian Marcu, comisar de poliție, Șeful Biroului Regional al Agenției Antidrog Cluj și Dragoș Hârjoabă, antreprenor și tată.
Specialiștii în domeniu ne stau la dispoziție pentru a răspunde întrebărilor care ne preocupă: Cum recunoaștem consumul de droguri? Care sunt factorii predispozanți pentru consumul de droguri? Ce facem când recunoaștem acest consum? Cum reacționăm? Cui ne adresăm?
În cadrul evenimentului va fi proiectat scurtmetrajului CALIFORNIA (2023), regia ALBERT MARINÉ, Spania, 15 min, film aflat în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
Cinema Victoria, vineri, 12 aprilie, ora 20.00 (1.37.04)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
HUMORMÀTIC, r. PAU ESCRIBANO, 19:59, 2024, Spain, Comedy
Synopsis: A comedy screenwriter for a TV show has to work with a new partner, Humormatic, a machine that writes jokes. The screenwriter will try to make her colleagues, her bosses, the TV host and the audience value her work, but Humormatic won’t make things easy.
OVO, r. STIV SPASOJEVIC, 6:40, 2023, France, Animation
Synopsis: This is the story of a meeting between an astonishing robot from outer space and an adorable little bird just hatched from its egg…
OTHERS REMAINED SILENT, r. MATIC ŠTAMCAR, 13:30, 2022, Slovenia, Drama
Synopsis: In the hallway of the veterinary clinic a couple is waiting with a dog. Non-verbal communication begins between the visibly frightened woman and the receptionist. Awards: Krafft 2023 (Kranj Actors’ Film Festival), Student Competition – award for best directing of actors
SCRAPYARD, r. MIGUEL ÁNGEL OLIVARES, 08:00, 2023, Spain, Drama
Synopsis: Ruben and Asïr, two great friends, meet every afternoon to play soccer in a car scrapyard. One day like any other, Ruben waits for his friend, with the surprise that he has been beaten up because of racism. The unconditional support that Rubén offers to Asïr reflects the purest friendship, although the worst is yet to come.
THE PSYCHIC, r. VLADISLAV PODOLYANKO, 24:36, 2023, Russia, Drama
Synopsis: “Ivan’s life in a small town is hopeless and dreary. He is ready for everything to escape from it, even to join a community of telepsychics.”
LA DISTANȚĂ /REMOTE, r. DANA ROGOZ, 23:00, 2023, Romania, Drama
Synopsis: A businesswoman looking for a rural home in Romania takes her friend for an authentic country experience, but their stay in an old villager’s house takes a terrifying turn when a local man violently demands the money he has borrowed, plunging them into a nightmarish ordeal where crime and fear escalate. Awards: “Audience Award – Nice Short Film Festival (France); Best Actress – Nice Short Film Festival (France)”
Cinema Victoria, vineri, 12 aprilie, ora 22.00 (1.58.14)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
CHIAROSCURA, r. RUBÉN BAUTISTA, 14:58, 2023, Spain, Horror
Synopsis: “Clara is an artist who has become popular through the style of marine paintings. During a telephone interview, an art critic attacks the conformism of Clara s style. It is then that Clara will reveal her most hidden and personal work, unleashing the monster that lives in her.”
POKER, r. NURSULTAN KOSHERBAYEV, 09:59, 2023, Kazakhstan, Drama
Synopsis: Office worker Nurlan decides to take part in an underground poker tournament to help his sister, who is threatened by debt collectors.
POWER SIGNAL, r. OSCAR BOYSON, 20:16, 2023, United States, Drama
Synopsis: While trying to navigate a city that won’t provide him a bathroom, a delivery worker discovers an unearthly presence infecting women all over New York.
ELS MAL, r. DAVID MATARÓ, 19:38, 2022, Spain, Comedy
Synopsis: A teenage love movie between a young vampire and a young human who discovers that the hardest thing to fall in love with is meeting your girlfriend’s family, especially if they are vampires. Awards: “Best National Short at 9. FanCine. Festival de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Monforte de Lemos. Lugo (Galicia) Spain; Audience Award at 24. Festival de Cortometrajes ¡¡Cort…en!!. Calahorra (La Rioja) Spain; Best Young Actor for Marc Bonnin at 24. Festival de Cortometrajes ¡¡Cort…en!!. Calahorra (La Rioja) Spain”
ALBA, r. FERNANDO ESBEC, 17:24, 2023, Spain, Crime
Synopsis: A single mother and her daughter struggle to cope while living with a special condition.
CRUST, r. JENS KEVIN GEORG, 25:59, 2023, Germany, Comedy
Synopsis: In this family you can only become a true member by getting your first wound. But 12-year-old Fabi is still scarless. On grandpa’s farm, he has to finally prove himself as one of them. Fabi’s father knows that the boy now has to go through with it – as they all had to. And Fabi really wants to want to belong. But in the end, how much will be left of him (and his skin)?
SUPERBUHEI, r. JOSEF BRANDL, 07:28, 2023, Germany, Comedy
Synopsis: Jesse Bronske, an unsuccessful bar owner, is afraid that his mean twin-brother Aaron, from whom he escaped long time ago, has found him again and is about to take over his life step by step…none so far
Cinema Victoria, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 11.00 Animații 4+ ( 1.00.59)
Proiecție de animații ClujShorts 4+
Anna, France, 2016, Animation
Nobody, Nimeni, Iran, 2016, Animation
Sheep Deprived, Oi lipsă, USA, 2016, Animation
The Sound Of The Sea, Sunetul mării, France, 2016, Animation
Indice 50, Factor de protecție 50, France, 2016, Animation
Groomed, La frizerie, USA, 2016, Animation
Water Path For A Fish, Drum de apă pentru peștișor, Spain&Columbia, 2016, Animation
Jubilé, Jubileu, France, 2016, Animation
Ami, Germany, 2016, Animation
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană- Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 17.00
Discuție – dezbatere: Omul portocaliu
Sănătate mintală pentru toți – dezbatere pe marginea cărții Omul portocaliu și alte povestiri terapeutice, autor Prof. univ. dr. Doina Cosman, medic primar psihiatru, psihoterapeut acreditat în terapie cognitiv-comportamentală de Institutul Albert Ellis din New York și Colegiul psihologilor din România, membru de onoare al Asociației Mondiale de Psihiatrie și al Asociației Mondiale de Psihiatrie Socială, distinsă cu medalia Kraepelin-Alzheimer a Universității Ludwig Maximilian din Munchen.
Moderator: Vasile Hotea Fernezan, jurnalist și realizator emisiuni culturale TVR, președintele juriului presei ClujShorts, doctorand la Facultatea Teatru și Film, secția Cinematografie, UBB Cluj-Napoca.
Cinema Victoria, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 17.30 (1.45.18)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
THE DELAY, r. MATTIA NAPOLI, 15:30, 2022, France & Italy, Drama
Synopsis: A clap of hands: the palms meet, but the snap comes a few seconds later. Arturo is out of sync, the delay is growing day by day. On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Arturo will have to question the pace of his life.
Documentary Synopsis: Nedo is one of the last independent fishermen in Piombino. As we sail out to sea with him, he tells us about tides, the changing world and the unpredictable and powerful being: the sea.”
SILHOUETTE, r. SAVVA DOLOMANOV, 18:06, 2023, Czech Republic, Drama
Synopsis: When boarding a train the Boy meets the Girl. He is immediately fascinated by her and watches her during the whole ride. That’s when He becomes a witness to a burdensome moment in which the Girl is sexually harassed by two incoming strangers. The Boy would love to help her out, but gets overwhelmed by fear and doesn’t step in. The two young people then meet each other at the station and what follows is a glimpse of an elusive yet vivid relationship. It starts as a game for Him but He slowly realizes that this game has a dark side of domestic violence – that the Girl is a victim of. In the end, the Boy faces Her dominant father but most importantly, He comes to a point in which he faces his fears.
HEREDERAS, r. SILVIA VENEGAS, 18:30, 2023, Spain, Documentary
Synopsis: A tribute to the unknown legacy of European women who fought for women’s rights. We are heirs to a lineage of brave women, but who were those ancestors who occupied the streets of Europe to fight for our rights? One of the most important was the right to vote for women, which finally recognized women as true citizens. Faced with unjust laws that came from time immemorial, they rebelled. The echo of those ancestors resonates strongly today in the women who occupy the streets to claim their rights, denounce violence and defend equality together.
APPALACHIA, r. ROXANA STROE, 28:00, 2022, Belgium & France & Romania
Drama Synopsis: Leo, a 17-year-old biker, and Raisa, the daughter of the pastor of a small conservative village in Romania, fall in love at first sight. But communitarianism and religious fanaticism threaten to destroy their relationship.
Cinema Dacia, sâmbătă, 13aprilie, ora 18.30 (1.25.46)
Best of 10 – Proiecția filmelor care au câștigat Trofeul la primele 10 ediții de ClujShorts – partea 1
Trofeul ClujShorts 2013: The man at the counter, r. Brian McAllister, SUA, 8 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2014: Moritz and the woodwose, r. Bryn Chainey, Germania, 20 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2015: Call her Lotte, r. Annekathrin Wetzel, Germania, 15.18 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2016: Champion, r. Mans Berthas, Suedia, 19.00 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2017: Frail, r. Ares Ceylan, Elveția, 18.36 min
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană- Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 19.00
Puterile Măștii – De la tradiție la teatru și film contemporan
Invitați: Ștefana Pop Curșeu, director artistic al Teatrului Național Cluj-Napoca, Prof. Liviu Malița, decanul Facultății de Teatru și Film, UBB, Lect. Daniel Iftene, directorul departamentului cinematografie și media, UBB, Stoica H. Rareș, regizor de film, Cătălin Mocan, scenograf/ creator mască.
Pentru etnologii și etnografii de astăzi, masca populară face parte dintr-o serie de rituri și jocuri care se află pe cale de dispariție, pierzându-și consistența rolului social și religios, odată cu subțierea credințelor și tradițiilor arhaice din lumea rurală românească. Pentru omul contemporan urban, măștile sunt obiecte interesante, comice sau pline de stranietate, care intrigă și se colecționează sau pur și simplu se pun pe perete. Ele nu mai sunt văzute în complexitatea lor activă, în mișcarea lor ritmată și semnificativă. Teatrul și filmul însă, grație câtorva regizori atrași de energiile sacre ale acestor măști, le recuperează și le reîncarcă cu noi semnificații, activând personajul care dă corp măștii originare sau creând avataruri ale acestora.
Ne propunem așadar să aruncăm o privire asupra modului în care au fost recuperate măștile populare în teatrul și filmul românesc și a noilor valențe dobândite prin transformările scenice/filmice suferite. Care este raportul omului de teatru contemporan cu masca arhaică? Cum își regăsește ea un loc în practicile noastre culturale ale omului secolului XXI?
În cadrul evenimentului va fi proiectat filmul documentar: Masca tradițională – arhetip al istoriei teatrului românesc, 2018, 26 min, producție a Facultății de teatru și Film UBB & Persona Media Production, r. Rareș H. Stoica, concept și scenariu Ștefana Pop-Curșeu. Filmul a fost realizat în cadrul proiectului Enciclopedia imaginariilor din România – Patrimoniu istoric și identități cultural-lingvistice. Proiecția este cu subtitrare în limba franceză.
Cinema Victoria, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 20.00 (1.32.04)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
MY BEAUTIFUL DOLL, r. HESAM DEHGHANI, 16:51, 2024, Iran, Action
Synopsis: On her wedding night, Rojan, a 14-year-old Kurdish girl who is forced to marry with an old man takes a dangerous decision to set herself free.
THE WATERS, r. S.C. TELES, 11:30, 2023, Kazakhstan, Spain, Drama
Synopsis: A woman from Madrid travels to her father’s home in Kazakhstan in order to reconcile with her past.
YOU ARE NOT CRAZY, r. MARÍA BESTAR, 14:54, 2023, Spain, Drama
Synopsis: Juan and Ana seem to be a well-educated couple. The vicarious violence that Juan exerts on Ana cannot be seen.
BELOW THE WINDOW, R. SALVADOR ALEJANDRO GUTIÉRREZ, 16:32, 2023 Estonia & Ireland & Portugal & United Kingdom, Drama
Synopsis: Maria, a new mother living in isolation, encounters a mysterious wayfarer who seeks shelter from an approaching storm. Eerie events unfold as the stranger’s presence becomes increasingly unsettling.
THE LAST RHINO, r. GUILLAUME HARVEY, 19:02, 2023,Canada, Drama
Synopsis:The last of the northern white rhinos is dead. Lili, a rather well-off 70 year-old grandmother, led a comfortable retired life until these news have her dive deep into eco-anxiety. What kind of world will she leave for her granddaughter Gaby?
THE RUSE, r. JOHANNE PRÉGENT, 10:46, 2023, Canada, Drama
Synopsis: When two bullied teenagers find themselves stuck together in a bathroom, they have to think quick to elaborate a plan in the hope of changing their fates.
Cinema Victoria, sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, ora 22.00 (1.34.35)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
Synopsis: Shortly after Russia’s full-scale invasion, 4 Ukrainian girls were forced to leave home and proceed their paths abroad, now living two lives at a time. The attempts to settle down in a foreign country are constantly interrupted by internal doubts, fear for the family back home, chats with friends who joined the army, and feelings of constant uncertainty about the future. While the flow of incoming news contributes to a feeling of complete powerlessness, the girls learn how to live in their new reality.
A BOOGER’S NIGHTMARE, R. DANIEL BLANCO, 00:30, 2022, Spain, Animation
Synopsis: Imagine for a moment being in the skin of a booger, it can’t be an easy life… Awards: Best Animated Short at 20. Notodofilmfest (Madrid) Spain
WOLF TO WOMAN, r. FABIANA FRAGALE, 20:00, 2022, Germany, Thriller
Synopsis: In the power struggle for their company three women meet in a villa at night. In 17 minutes, working relationships and friendship set in motion a maelstrom of betrayal and revenge. Because in this world, every woman becomes a wolf to an other woman.
LADYS RITUALS, r. MARK LOREI, 29:40:00, 2023, Germany, History
Synopsis: Somewhere in the Münsterland region of the 19th century: a shepherdess and local clairvoyant – known in the Westphalian region as the “”Spökenkiekerin”” – upsets the village community with her seemingly crazy prophecies – especially the mayor, because the mayor is a sensitive man. So he finds reason to misunderstand the prophecies of the “”Spökenkiekerin”” as a personal affront and decides to have her hounded out of the village. But a lovely nobel lady comes to the shepherdess’s aid with her occult powers and thereby also saves the two women’s secret love affair. Awards: “Blue Flower Award 2023 – best director, best acting, best film Filmfestival Münster – best short film”
IN HIS MERCY, r. CHRISTOPH BÜTTNER, 11:55, 2022, Germany, Animation
Synopsis: A convicted criminal is tempted into a hell of a ride through darkness by signs of grace. Awards: Etiuda et Anima: Special Golden Jabberwocky (Best Student Animation); BALKANIMA European Animated Film Festival, Serbia: Best Student Animation ; Animax Skopje, Macedonia: Silver Brick Award Winner; Chilemonos, Chile: Student Competition, 2nd Place; Athens Animfest, Greece: Student Competition, 3rd Place.
SEVENTEEN, r. GEQI LI, 14:47, 2023, China&United States, Drama
Synopsis: In California, a Chinese young teen, Jasmine (17), gets pregnant and wants to keep the baby, while her pornstar mother, Yan (35), insists on having an abortion. The two realize they may have more in common despite their conflicting wishes for themselves. Awards: Female Eye Film Festival – Best North American Short Film, LA Shorts internatinal Film Festival, Hollyshorts International Film Festival, Montecatini International Short Film Festival, Topaz Film Festival by Women in Film Dallas, Black Bear Film Festival, Arpa Film Festival, California Women Film Festival, Tirana International Film Festival (Script Contest)
MERMAID, r. DASHA CHARUSHA, 14:13, 2023, Russia, Fantasy
Synopsis: In the finale of the fairy tale the Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Andersen’s heroine, refused to kill her beloved one and turned into sea foam. The Little Mermaid was taken by the fairies of the air, who promised that after three thousand years of service to the ideas of good, she would be rewarded with an immortal human soul. We are witnessing the continuation of this story. Awards: BiFan (South Korea) / Best Short Film
Cinema Victoria, duminică, 14 aprilie 2024, ora 11.00, Animații 8+ (1.04.28)
Proiecție de animații ClujShorts 8+
Keiro, France, 2016, Animation
Meli-Metro, France, 2016, Animation
Chika, The Dog In The Ghetto, Chika, cățelul din Ghetto, Germany, 2016, Animation
Otto, Netherland, 2015, Animation
Ceasse Game, Stop joc, Uruguay, 2016, Animation
Luxna, France, 2016, Animation
Knight To Meet You, Cavalerul și dragonul, France, 2016, Animation
Billy & Bud, France, 2016, Animation
Cinema Victoria, duminică, 14 aprilie 2024, ora 15.00 (1.55.06)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
THE BUG, r. DARIA ELENA DASHUNINA, 29:00:00, 2023, Russia, Action
Synopsis: There is a good change in the humble, lonely life of a former school teacher and insect connoisseur – he is about to be filmed for a television program. Filming is scheduled in his apartment, but the lights suddenly turned off. As it turns out he has a huge debt, and no one can explain how. He gets into the system of automatic accounting, accruals, fines, instructions, and the more he walks in this circle, the more he feels his powerlessness. To turn on the lights, he needs to submit an application and send documents through his personal account, but he is not Internet friendly. His mobile phone is old and push-button. The old entomologist now feels like an insect himself in this digital world. And only with the rare beetle he has caught can he talk heart to heart.
BURUL, r. ADILET KARZHOEV, 14:01, 2023, Kyrgyzstan, Drama
Synopsis: A rural high school student Burul is interested in wrestling. The wrestling coach won’t let her train at the boys’ gym, so she trains at home alone. Burul’s father believes that wrestling is not for girls and forbids her to do it. One guy from a neighboring village kidnaps Burul to marry her after several unsuccessful attempts to talk to Burul.
THE MIDDLE OF THE GARAGE, r. LISA BOLDUC, 13:01, 2022, Canada, Fantasy
Synopsis: The mysterious arrival of a huge trunk in the garage of Pierre’s house turns his life upside down. At 55, with time passing too slowly and dreams gone, loneliness suddenly seems less burdensome. The strange appearance of the object became Pierre’s only obsession, and the discovery of its contents, a new goal in life.
PARADES, r. ALAN LAKE, 17:00, 2022, Canada, Art
Synopsis: Parades is an initiation to a mysterious pagan feast made by powerful images between a fantasy and an allegory.
BLACK BOX, r. NIKOLAI BELIAKOV, 11:26, 2023, Russia, Comedy
Synopsis: Items magically appear in the black box to help its owner to make dreams come true. When hero loses this box, he realizes that he can fulfill his dreams on his own.
GRAND VITARA, r. DANI SĂRĂCUȚ, 27:26, 2022, Romania, Drama
Synopsis: Toni and Costel sell cars from the Netherlands to Romania. Emil wants a second-hand Grand Vitara. A road movie about friendships, disappointments and unexpected things.
Cinema Victoria, duminică, 14 aprilie 2024, ora 17.30 (1.45.20)
Proiecție de filme aflate în selecția oficială ClujShorts 2024.
Synopsis: In the hallway of the veterinary clinic a couple is waiting with a dog. Non-verbal communication begins between the visibly frightened woman and the receptionist. Awards: Krafft 2023 (Kranj Actors’ Film Festival), Student Competition – award for best directing of actors
Synopsis: Nedo is one of the last independent fishermen in Piombino. As we sail out to sea with him, he tells us about tides, the changing world and the unpredictable and powerful being: the sea.”
Synopsis: On her wedding night, Rojan, a 14-year-old Kurdish girl who is forced to marry with an old man takes a dangerous decision to set herself free.
Synopsis:The last of the northern white rhinos is dead. Lili, a rather well-off 70 year-old grandmother, led a comfortable retired life until these news have her dive deep into eco-anxiety. What kind of world will she leave for her granddaughter Gaby?
Synopsis: When two bullied teenagers find themselves stuck together in a bathroom, they have to think quick to elaborate a plan in the hope of changing their fates.
Synopsis: A comedy screenwriter for a TV show has to work with a new partner, Humormatic, a machine that writes jokes. The screenwriter will try to make her colleagues, her bosses, the TV host and the audience value her work, but Humormatic won’t make things easy.
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană- Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, duminică, 14 aprilie, ora 18.00
Gala de premiere ClujShorts 2024 – închiderea ediției a 12-a
Moderatori: Vasile Hotea Fernezan și Alexandra Ghejan
Cinema Dacia, duminică, 14 aprilie, ora 18.30 (1.38.29 min)
Best of 10 – Proiecția filmelor care au câștigat Trofeul la primele 10 ediții de ClujShorts – partea 2
Trofeul ClujShorts 2018: Gridlock, r. Ian Hunt Duffy, Irlanda, 19.53 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2019: Icarus, r. Nicolas Boucart, Belgia / Franța, 26.59 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2020: Mamma’s Recipe, r. Dario Piana , Italia, 15 min
Trofeul ClujShorts 2021: One 2 one, r. Nestor Ruiz Medina, Spania, 18 min.
Trofeul ClujShorts 2022: One my way, r. Bertrand Basset, Franța, 15.20 min.
Casino, Centrul de Cultură Urbană- Parcul Central Cluj-Napoca, duminică, 14 aprilie, ora 20.00
Observații astronomice prin telescop: Să privim în sus!
Finisaj expoziție de astrofotografie, Ștefan Pop-Coț, prezentă în perioada 12-14 aprilie 2024, Esplanada casino-ului.
În finissage-ul expoziției, sub îndrumarea domnului Ștefan Pop-Coț, vicepreședinte Societății Române pentru Astronomie Culturală, astrofotograf, fotograf profesionist observator, expert în astronomia observațională, ne apropiem de stele, prin telescoape mari pe care ni le pune la dispoziție.